After training with increasing consistency for several years,

I decided to get officially certified in fitness training (National Council for Certified Personal Trainers) earlier in 2019, passing my test on the first try.

My extensive knowledge in strength development, muscle development, fat loss strategies is fairly even across the board, due to my understanding of the connections and interplay between. I also have a fair amount of experience in corrective work, for those looking to overcome old injuries or other debilitations.

In an industry co-opted by social media, my dedication is to the research and science behind health and fitness.

Social media certainly has its place, but facts and practical application should always come first. I spend a great deal of my free time diving into the nitty-gritty of exercise science and nutrition. This gives me both a broad and deep understanding of the subjects, allowing me to convey the information to my clients in a practical and comprehensive way.

While my physique is a good indication of my commitment to this craft, it's my knowledge of the field that brings clients back, along with my lower costs and greater flexibility compared to most commercial gyms.

The intent behind my business name and general philosophy is that I want to make fitness more accessible to people.

Contrary to what some may find online, there is nothing magical about fitness or nutrition, and a grasp even of just the fundamentals can lead to great success. It is important to appreciate, however, that these sciences also come with a fair bit of nuance. In spite of what many channels and articles promote, there are no secret hacks, as everyone is coming into this with their own goals and starting points.

Follow the science, be consistent and patient, and only compare yourself to your previous self. These are the tenets I try to instill in my clients.